About James Senior – Senior Legal Project Manager
James Senior holds a doctorate in social sciences from the Open University; the thesis he wrote as part of his studies has been published online and explores the effectiveness of police interventions in combating stalking behaviours.

Doctoral Thesis
This thesis focuses on non-domestic incidences of stalking in one specific police force area in the UK and discusses the impact of various police interventions to assess their impact. Through this research, the theory of deterrence was also tested by analysing how the stalkers reacted to warnings of prosecution and arrest. The thesis proposes that about half of stalkers were not deterred by warnings from police officers, with some stalkers immediately continuing their stalking behaviour after having received a warning. Mr Senior’s research also concluded that the complexity of investigating stalking cases poses a significant challenge to police officers.

Legal Project Manager
Mr Senior is an experienced senior legal project manager. As such, he has been responsible for the planning, management and execution of a variety of legal projects. In collaboration with the rest of the team, his role included defining the scope of each project, discussing the details with every member of staff involved in its undertaking, creating and executing a project plan, and monitoring its progress. Legal project managers tend to have all the skills of a ‘standard’ project manager, such as expertise in time and budget management, as well as a sound knowledge of legal matters.
Negotiating Skills
Previously, Mr Senior has successfully completed an advanced negotiation skills course at Harvard University. This course gives participants the skills they need to become an expert negotiator, with the ability to structure and execute even the most complex of negotiations and achieve a positive outcome. Techniques to boost bargaining power, identify and eliminate barriers to success, communicate and effectively influence others, and negotiate successfully across cultural or international barriers are imparted. The course, which lasts for two consecutive days, offers a fast-paced learning experience that includes analysis of business cases, negotiation exercises and a discussion of the challenges that may be faced at the bargaining table.
Further Education
Mr Senior is currently studying for an MBA with Singapore Business School; this distance learning programme aims to broaden students’ knowledge of business leadership and management via practice-oriented and academic modules. Participants learn how to guide, lead and inspire personnel through processes of change.